Sweet Neck

Sweet Neck

Katama Bay, Martha's Vineyard   🌎 See Oyster Map

Big, briny oysters raised by Jack Blake in Katama Bay. Farmed in off-bottom cages and tumbled using a wind-powered tumbler Blake designed. 2021 Update: Jack Blake is sitting on a nice supply of 4-5″ jumbos, just screaming for the grill. Currently being shipped by Island Creek. Get ’em while you can.

Sweet Neck (2 Ratings)

  1. Rating 5

    I have to agree with aliyacarter! Just tried these the other day and they are lovely, big briney oysters with a nice hard shell for good shucking. To my palate they finished with a pleasant grassy note as well.

  2. Rating 5

    Consistently fresh, clean, briny oysters with a touch of sweetness. Jack Blake raises a fantastic product.

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